Patient Reviews

Patient Reviews

We know that sometimes taking the first step is the hardest. Finding the right providers to entrust your mental health can be difficult. But we want you to know that at Serenity Mental Health Centers, you're more than just a patient, and you can trust we'll give you the attention, respect, and care you seek. Whether you're looking for help for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to browse the reviews of our past and present patients to get to know our team and what we're about at Serenity.

5.0 Review from C.L. Source: Google Jun 13 2023

"I am so fortunate to have found James O’Hara NP at Serenity and I must say that my experience has been just amazing. James understands the complexities that are involved in helping to provide optimal mental health, such an important skill! The recommendations have been well thought out, evidence-based and fully tailored to my individual needs, that last one is the hard part I believe. James genuinely cares about my well-being and is committed to helping me improve my quality of life and that’s exactly what the result has been! Thank you so much for this!"

5.0 Review from K. Source: Google Jan 13 2023

"I’ve seen more MH care providers over the last couple of decades then I’d like to confess, however, it gives me perspective that compels me to shout out sincere, heartfelt, gratitude, to James O’Hara, NP, and Serenity Mental Health. They are world-class, top shelf, first rate, A++, super-great folks, who really know their stuff and provide care, like nobody’s business. Really care."

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